Russia 2 Kopeks1814Им C#118.4 Bitkin# 609 Conros# 198/56-57

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ru1102 Russia 2 Kopeks 1814Им C# 118.4 Bitkin# 609 Conros# 198/56-57 ПC - Александр I Павлович - - Other years available, See also: Tab ► Product Description
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Catalog No. C#118.4 Bitkin# 609 Conros# 198/56-57
Send by Registered Mail No
Value 2 Kopeks
Year 1814Им
There are other years of this Type available, are you interested in a other year - Just mail to: ----- And I shall sent you a picture of the year you ask for [and the price for it] - That’s also possible for the picture of the backside from coins who not being showed on this site -------- Other years available: 1812, 1813, 1814 ---------------- If you want to see, the picture of the backside, just mail to: And ask for backside; Russia 1102