- 1st Baltic Front. Bagramyan I.H. (mintage: 3K)

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by0225 Belarus Rouble 2010 km#229 - 1st Baltic Front. Bagramyan I.H. - If you want to see, the picture of the backside, just mail to: collectitcoins@outlook.com And ask for backside; Belarus 225
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Catalog No. km#229 KM# 229, N# 28846
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Value Rouble
Year 2010
The obverse has: in the center on the right – the relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus and an inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ (THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS); on the left – the relief image of the Курган Славы monument (MOUND OF GLORY) and inscriptions: ВІЦЕБСК, МАГІЛЁЎ, МІНСК, ГРОДНА, БРЭСТ (VITEBSK, MOGILEV, MINSK, GRODNO, BREST); circumferential inscriptions: the denomination: 1 РУБЕЛЬ (1 RUBLE) on the copper–nickel one, АПЕРАЦЫЯ БАГРАЦІЁН (OPERATION BAGRATION), and the year of issue The reverse has: on the right – the relief image of the Bagramyan I.H. portrait against the background of a battle map; on the left – a circumferential inscription: 1–Ы ПРЫБАЛТЫЙСКI ФРОНТ. БАГРАМЯН I.Х. (THE 1ST BALTIC FRONT. BAGRAMYAN I.H.). Minted by: The Mint of Finland Ltd. Copper–nickel Denomination, rubles: 1 Weight of coin, g: 13.16 Quality: "proof–like" Diameter, mm: 33 Mintage, pcs.: 3000